Friday, June 28, 2013

Daisy Days

Welcome to the lazy days of summer, and here is a daisy of a dress to help your dolly do it up right! This eye catching cotton print is set off by lime dot waist band and sleeve ruffles.  Mari's lovely dress has a lined bodice, full skirt, back opening, velcro closure, secured bow and resin daisy at the waist. 

Included with the dress is a black, light taffeta and tulle half slip with elastic waist, matching headband of fabric covered plastic,  vlecro fastened shoes and beaded bracelet on stretchy mono-filament. 

To hang Mari's 5 piece outfit in your dolly's closet, the cost is $32.00.  If your dolly doesn't need the shoes, let me know and I will change the listing to $7.00 less.

Daisy Day Dress


Linda said...

Dee, I came to look at all the TERRIFIC outfits you have made and my friend, you made a great decision when you decided to create this blog to showcase all the clothes you DEEsigned and DEElighted your clients with. I always marvel at the enormity of your creativity!

LOVE you, Linda