Friday, August 9, 2013

A Glowing Outfit

Your dolly told me to tell you she wants this outfit!

 The top has a bit of shimmer to it on the little glow bugs.  It fastens with velcro, as does the separate fabric  bow belt.  The dotty cotton knee pants have an elastic waist. Matching the knee pants are a lined and top stitched shrug and a fabric covered plastic head band.  Also included is a pair of lavender slip on pumps.  Put it all together, and your dolly will have a striking set of clothes for many occasions.

$28.00 will put the knee pants, top & belt, shrug, hair band and pumps in the mail to your favorite dolly. If your dolly already has shoes, let me know and I will re-post for $6.00 less and decrease the shipping.

A Glowing Outfit