My first thought was – horses = western / prairie look so I make the tiered skirt & gaucho sets with interchangeable blouses and reversible vest. Then – I thought maybe the girls were really just into the horse theme, not particularly western, so I got the color choices from you and went with a cute summer look with tops & switchable bottoms. I used the four buttons I have on each set; just pining them on. I can also make hair bands or tote bags if you would like them for the outfits.
I only had the one remnant of fabric with a horse print that was at all suitable, so made the top I used with the gouchos, but it could just as well be used with some of the jeans in the store or the white capris.
So… just let me know if either of these sets is what you had in mind. I’ll sew the buttons on what ever set or garments you would like. I’ll have your choices in the shop the day after I hear from you.
Here are my prices, I’ll price each piece separately so you can pick and choose. The buttons were expensive : $ 3.00 for a card of 2, so beyond the price of the garments there would be $6.00 added for the buttons.
Blouses or tops - $5.00
Shorts – $4.00
Capris or Gouchos - $5.00
Tiered Skirt with Sash - $8.00
Hair bands - $1.00
Tote bags / purses/ sling sacks & 2.00
Any of the shoes are $7.00 each and the cowboy boots are $10.00
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