Friday, March 20, 2015

A dress to enjoy

I couldn't wait to post this dress!  It's a relatively new pattern from 'Crabapples' and - let me just say.... fantastic!  Elegant construction, timely tips and super instructions and, best of all, it fits right the first time.   

About the dress - the body of the soft peach floral garment is 100% cotton but the mossy green collar & piping was a remnant that I think has some rayon in it - silky & textureous (my special word for interesting fabric) and I liked it with the dress fabric.  The sash is free floating, so your dolly can wear the bow where she likes it - front, back or side.  Both the sash and the dress itself have velcro closures.  In addition to the dress, I made a matching hair band.  Though you can't see it very well, the dress is filled out with yards of mossy tulle in a half slip with an elastic waist.  I topped off Meggie's lovely dress with delicate ivory shoes that have a little flower and velcro strap.

To add this lovely all season dress to your dolly's closet, the cost is $35.00. The price includes  the dress, hair band, slip, and shoes. 

Peachy Dress