Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Let's go to the Hop

Audrey is looking forward to a Fifties' Sock Hop, so she has her outfit all picked out.  Her pink blouse with white dots is a cotton/poly blend with a full back opening, velcro closure, and finished seams throughout.  The poodle appliqued skirt is actually fleece, hand hemmed, back velcro closure, and fully open.  To accessorize, Audrey added a hair band to match her blouse, and a sheer nylon neck-kerchief.  You really can't go to a sock hop with out socks and those dynamite grey and pink oxfords, so you better buy those too. :)

Ready to Hop??? Blouse, Skirt, hair band, and scarf $20.00.  Socks and Saddle shoes are $10.00, glasses $6.00 extra.  Drop me a line and I will adjust the posting to your choice.

Sock Hop Set